
Henri Fayol (1841-1925, founder of French management and administration) formulated the following five management fields: Planning, Organization, Staffing, Direction and Controlling.

Controlling represents the reflection of the aforementioned topics.

Controlling today involves simplifying management's support in business planning and control so that the goals set are achieved - operationally (typically 3 to 5 years), as well as in the strategic time frame (up to 10 years).

In many companies Controlling subsumes not only planning (growth, earnings, profit and cash flow) but also reporting for the identification of deviations and, if necessary, initiation of countermeasures, strategy implementation, risk and opportunity management, utilization planning, the creation of business cases (profitability calculations), the derivation of simulations etc.

Dr. Kohler will be available for your business as an analyst, management consultant / trainer or objective Business sparring partner.

Here is an excerpt of selected offers:

Finance process analysis in your Business area

Crash Course Finance Controlling
(German or English language Seminar: 5-8 hours)

Managerpsychologie und Finance Controlling: Zwei Seiten einer Medaille?!
(German Presentation: 2 hours | Seminar: 8 hours)

Basics Corporate Business Planning and Controlling
(German or English language - University Level Seminar: 8 hours)

Advanced Corporate Business Planning and Controlling
(German or English language - University Level Seminar: 8 hours)

Finance Controlling for engineers
(German or English language Seminar: 6 hours)
Angebot in deutscher Sprache / Offer in German language

Finance Controlling for non Finance Manager
(German or English language Seminar: 6 hours)
Angebot in deutscher Sprache / Offer in German language

Finance Controlling with humour
(German or English language Presentation: 2 hours)

International Corporate Strategy
(German or English language Seminar: 8 hours)


